Intellij Terraform Plugin Support
For full plugin details go to–hcl-language-support
- Make terraform scripting easier with autocomplete and syntax highlighting.
- The Intellij Terraform Plugin has auto-complete and many more features outlined below.
Basically this plugin is excellent for auto-completion, if you are not using it for terraform already do so now!
For file formats using HCL (.hcl, .tf, .nomad):
- Syntax highlighting
- Structure outline in the ‘Structure’ tool window
- Code formatter with the ‘Reformat code’ action available
- Code folding
- The ‘Comment/Uncomment’ action
- For HIL files:
- Syntax highlighting
Terraform specific support:
- In both configuration files and interpolations:
- Autocompletion
- Find Usages / Go to definition for resources, providers, variables and their properties
- Rename Refactoring
- Introduce Variable Refactoring (for string property values)
- Several inspections
- Report usage of deprecated properties
- Unresolved reference checks (in interpolations)
- Check required/missing properties in resource/provider
- Predefined Terraform methods autocompletion in interpolations
- (WIP) Better properties validation (type checking)
- (WIP) Working with dependent modules
- (WIP) Type-specific autocompletion in interpolations